Africa / Animals

Amboselli Baby Baboon

Amboseli Africa, oh how amazing the trip was.  If you have even the slightest thought of going to East Africa, go, do it, you will never regret it and you will be changed.  It is the most wonderful experiance.  The animals are everywhere.  We all kept saying it felt like we were in a movie like Jurasic Park, you just can’t believe the animals.

They are all around you and do not run away.  We drove up to lions one after another and got 10 feet away and they did not even flinch.  We say cheetas hunting and teaching the babies.  Leopards, oh my god, so beautiful.

I went on an Abercrombie and Kent tour ( and it was really great.  It was very deluxe and everything was taken care of.  We staying in “tents’ but they were so comfortable.  You have a regular queen size bed in the tent, many had plumbing and electricity.  A few were truely mobile tents that the tour put up for us as we arrived, but even those were huge and had a bathroom.

Africa is an amazing place and I can not wait to go back. Click the photo to get to my Shutterfly photo site.  Check it out.

Foot Massage Addiction

January 23, 2011